He did not have to wait long for his next opportunity to wreck the lives of people who, in this case, just suffered catastrophic loss.
Last week’s Trump victims were the millions of Georgians and North Carolinians under extreme duress from the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene. As if they have not suffered enough, along comes Trump and his JD mini-me to lie about the federal response to their plight and likely move some of his true believers to refrain from applying for readily available federal aid.
Immediately following the devastation Helene wrought on the Southeastern United States, Trump rushed to battleground Georgia to exploit a campaign opportunity. While there, he lied continuously about how cruel and terrible the Biden-Harris administration’s response to the disaster has been. He claimed that Georgia’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, had tried repeatedly to get in touch with President Biden, to no avail. According to Trump, Biden refused to pick up the phone and speak to Kemp.
Only two hours before Trump’s brazen lie, Kemp announced that he and Biden had spoken, and that the President was following through on his promise to do whatever it takes to help Georgians affected by the storm.
Trump, however, was not finished peddling lies about the administration’s response. He also claimed, again without a shred of evidence, that federal aid was targeted to Democratic counties only, and not equally to Republican ones. He said Biden and Harris were “going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas.” Again, another scurrilous lie easily disproved. He also claimed, falsely of course, that Harris had diverted FEMA funds to migrants.
Trump creation JD Vance quickly took up the false mantra, parroting his leader, repeating the same lies about disaster relief. And Georgia’s own mini-Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, she of Jewish space laser renown, asserted that “they” (historically an anti-Semitic trope) control the weather, this time guiding the hurricane to target areas that voted for Trump.
While President--
Remember, too, that when Trump visited Puerto Rico (after aides had to convince him that the island was, in fact, American territory), he distributed paper towels as if he was shooting free throws. Later, he withheld assistance from Puerto Rico for months when it was desperately needed.
And then there was “Sharpiegate” when Trump altered the projected, scientifically arrived at path of a hurricane to conform to his assertion that it would hit Alabama.
Finally, he wondered out loud why we could not detonate a nuclear weapon inside a hurricane in order to neutralize it.
It is noteworthy that during the Dark Age when Trump was in office, he resisted aiding states and regions where Democrats prevailed. Two of his White House aides said that, when California was seeking assistance after a series of devastating wildfires, Trump had to be convinced that the affected areas of the state contained Republican voters before authorizing federal help. They also said that his loathsome behavior was not a one-off.
Trump’s religious right followers say that deadly storms are “the wrath of God” when they hit Democratic areas. These folks aren’t saying much now.
Trump and his Project 2025 update of the 1930s Nazi program announced that they will privatize the National Weather Service should they seize power once again.
There is no point itemizing more of the vomitus of lies this sociopath is spewing around about this.
Once again, Trump shows that he is monumentally unfit to manage anything, much less a national emergency. As if more evidence is needed after observing him bungle his way through a global pandemic, advocating horse medications, ingesting bleach, sticking a UV-light up one’s…whatever, and secretly sending Covid tests to Vladimir Putin when they were in short supply here.
I am blown away by polls showing that this by far worst president in our long history is neck-and-neck with his opponent. What is wrong with people? He is a disaster waiting to happen. Don’t let it!
Dick Hermann
October 13, 2024