Instead of behaving like a mature adult, ex-president Donald Trump keeps bombasting his BS and acting like a petulant, starved-for-attention child. He could, like so many of his predecessors, do good works and refrain from criticizing his successor. Alas, human decency and restraint are not exactly Trump’s strong suits, so he must comport himself in the same shameless, irritating fashion we came to know during his four-year vandalizing of the presidency.
His most recent plea to his hero and role model, Vladimir Putin, to release whatever dirt he might have on Hunter Biden, comes in the midst of a brutal invasion of Ukraine in which millions of Ukrainian civilians suffer untold horrors at Putin’s hands. Trump of course is not focused on this tragedy, but instead is singularly fixated on his petty grievances.
As if this disgusting behavior weren’t enough, he is calling on his devotees to "lay down their very lives" to defend the United States against…critical race theory. "Getting critical race theory out of our schools is not just a matter of values, it's also a matter of national survival," the disgraced loser told the MAGAverse. No matter that critical race theory is a non-issue, nowhere taught in K-12 grades. "We have no choice," blathered the blowhard. "The fate of any nation depends upon the willingness of its citizens to lay down – and they must do this – lay down their very lives to defend their country. If we allow the Marxists and communists and socialists to teach our children to hate America there will be no one left to defend our flag or to protect our great country or its freedom."
That this is utter hogwash is irrelevant. The concern lies in his once again inciting his followers to violence, unconcerned with the carnage he unleashed on January 6, 2021. That was not enough, so now he calls for a race war. If this is not the classic definition of fascism, I don’t know what is.
Two essential questions arising out of Trump’s despicable conduct demand answers:
- How is it possible that Republicans continue to defend this reprehensible behavior? Ask them straight up and they bob, weave and run away from the interrogator. Their terror of Trump and his adherents’ electoral wrath totally overpowers what little care, if any, they have for the nation’s well-being and future. Instead, they line up behind the biggest traitor AND greatest treason ever perpetrated against this country. Tragically, Republicans, a now contemptible excuse for a political party, may well prevail in the midterm elections.
- How is it possible that Trump has thus far escaped accountability for his treason? What more evidence do the authorities need? They have an audio recording of his telephone call to the Georgia Secretary of State where he expressly attempts to rig the presidential election. That is more than sufficient to put him behind bars and bar him from ever running for office again. Why is he still at large? Allowing him to continue to undermine American democracy and thumb his nose at the rule of law is unconscionable. The longer he is allowed to continue to destabilize our society, the greater the danger.
Dick Hermann
April 22, 2022